Our Quilting Month is underway! The theme this year is all about the stories carried in the quilts we own and how we can weave our story into the quilts we make! The idea for this came to me when reading an article about how there were very few female scribes in ancient times. So much about women and their everyday lives have been lost to history. And yet, there's more than one way to record a story. So here we are!
Quilting Month Week 1: Schedule
March 3rd: Quilting Month Begins!
We're kicking off Quilting Month with a crossword puzzle . But this is no ordinary puzzle. Five of the crossword answers are also coupon codes . Solve the puzzle and you'll be able to use all 5 discount codes together! All 5 of the discount codes are valid on both Lindley General Store and Meaford Pattern Press. The coupons expire on the 22nd of March. To get your copy of the crossword puzzle, subscribe to our email list using the form below.
March 4th: Gertrude's Star
Here on the Meaford Pattern Press blog, I'll be sharing details about the Gertrude's Star quilt that was named in honour of our great grandmother.

March 5th: Share Your Quilt Story
Sharing your quilt story on social media will be encouraged all through out Quilting month, but there will be specific prompts for Quilting Bee Society members each Wednesday.
March 7th: Weaving Your Story Into Your Quilts
Over on the Lindley blog, I'll be sharing about something I've been doing for a long time. I call it subtle symbolism. It's all about weaving meaningful details into a project that are not necessarily noticeable to anyone looking at the quilt. This article will also cover why I love doing this!
To get the full Quilting Month experience, we recommend that you subscribe to both Meaford Pattern Press and Lindley General Store emails.
Subscribe and Celebrate!
It's not to late to join the Quilting Month festivities! Subscribe to our email list now, and we'll send you an email with everything you've missed!
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